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Noy Brandy 25 Years Old
Noy Brandy 25 Years Old
750ml, 40% ABV
This brandy is characterized by delicacy and powerful gustatory qualities, uniting in itself the values of all the best Armenian brandies. This divine spirit is made from high quality old brandy spirits with average age of no less than 25 years. The used bouquet of brandy spirits provides the unique flavor and long-lasting aftertaste of this brandy. It has dark amber color and full harmonious flavor with velvet shades of old port wine that touches the palate.
Badel Oharovac
Badel Oharovac
1000 ml, 24% ABV
Badel Orahovac, a traditional bitter-sweet liqueur, nattily in aroma, along with its famous curative features guarantees an unforgettable pleasure of flavors and fragrances. The rich natural green walnut aroma is preserved by traditional maceration of chopped nuts in aromatic distillate.
Yambolska Grape
Yambolska Grape
1000ml, 40% ABV
The quality of the brandy spirits provides the unique flavor and long-lasting aftertaste.Yambolska Grape Brandy one of the most popular products of Vinprom Yambol. Brandy is known as a Rakia in Eastern Europe – it’s the local term for any fruit brandy. Yambolska Grape Brandy offers vanilla and toasted nut aromas with a lightly sweet powdered sugar and pepper fade finish. It is a light golden colour and has a mild, harmonious, well-balanced taste.
Badel Travarica
Badel Travarica
1000ml, 37.5% ABV
This brandy is filled with a combination of Mediterranean herbs including Melisa, Salvia, Anise and Lavender. The macerate produced from aromatic herbs unravels the abundance of Mediterranean flavors in Travarica. Its fragrance, strength and top quality has a beneficial effect on our body.