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16.9fl.oz, 4.4% ABV
Kamenitza, Bulgaria’s leading core pilsner, is an easy to drink, thirst-quenching
beer, with a slightly bitter and tart taste. Kamenitza gains its characteristic flavor from
the use of crystal-clear water, high quality malted barley and the finest hops. -
Svyturys Baltijos Dark Red
Svyturys Baltijos Dark Red
16.9fl.oz, 5.8% ABV
Baltijos is the oldest brand of Lithuanian beer, and is the oldest brand of beer produced by the brewery Svyturys, since 1965. Baltijos, which is strong beer of dark amber colour, stands out with brownish and particularly thick foam, rich and sweetish taste of caramel, which is felt in the mouth for a long period of time.
Zywiec Big
Zywiec Big
16.9fl.oz, 5.6% ABV
The most famous beer from Zywiec Brewery, brewed with the best domestic grade of hops and malt, from crystal clear mountain water, according to the traditional recipes of the Zywiec brewers.
Baltika #3
Baltika #3
15.8fl.oz/467 ml , 4.8% ABV
Classical European-style lager brewed since 1992. The oldest and most famous of Baltika line. It is a medium-bodied beer with a constituent malt character balanced with a detectable hop note, without entailing excessive hop bitterness. The mouth feel can be characterized as light, crisp and dry, while the after-taste includes a hint of elite hop flavour.